

Xi ftit tal-ġimgħat ilu konna qegħdin nitkellmu dwar il-ħwejjeġ. Wara li tkellimna fuq it-tipi differenti ta’ ħwejjeġ, tkellimna ukoll dwar l-istaġuni differneti u meta jintlibsu ċerti ħwejjeġ. Fl-aħħar it-tfal għażlu xi ħaġa tal-ħwejjeġ u tkellmu fuqha.

Xogħol ta’ Ms Marilyn Bugeja, Yr 1.2

Show and Tell…

When introducing the topic “Animals”, the year 1.2 children were given some time to look for some information about their favourite animal. Then, they were asked to present their work to the other children. Such activities lend themselves perfectly to enhance oracy skills and the students’ self-esteem.

They were very creative and came up with some interesting facts!


Dogs Trust visit Mgarr…

Our students had a fun, exciting and educational workshop to help them to learn more about caring for dogs, responsible dog ownership and how to stay safe around dogs.


Above once can see Candy, a cute dog from Dogs Trust, while visiting the year 1 students.

Dogs Trust believes that by educating the dog owners of tomorrow we can help to reduce the number of abandoned, stray and unwanted dogs in the future, and also have a healthier and happier society.