A Taste of History… Birgu…

Birgu01Malta offers many cultural treasures which one can visit and the old city of Birgu (Vittoriosa) is indeed one of them. The two Year 5 classes could well appreciate this last Thursday 19th February 2015 as they roamed the winding village streets, passed through old gateways and admired ancient buildings and monuments, breathing history at every step.


We had the opportunity of visiting the Inquisitor’s Palace and the Malta Maritime Museum, each one of them worth a visit to Birgu on its own. Major restoration works are currently in progress on Fort St. Angelo, but we did manage to take a little peep at it as we enjoyed a walk along the beautiful Grand Harbour Marina in the surprisingly warm sunshine. At the end of the day we all felt enriched by our experience and a bit prouder of being Maltese.


Dr Simone Micallef (Yr 5.1)

Carnival 2015

Carnival01On Friday 13th February the students, together with the parents and teachers, celebrated carnival at school. This was a well deserved event after a stressful week of exams. The year 3.1 students started off the day with a special assembly dedicated to Carnival.


The School Council, together with a number of parent helpers, organised a fun packed programme for the students and teachers. The kindergarten students had dance sessions. The primary students had the opportunity to enjoy watching parents competing against the school teachers in a number of games.


The celebrations reached their climax when the parents performed a fantastic dance, followed by a play written by Ms Janice Vella Muscat and performed by a good number of teachers, KGAs and LSAs.


This was another successful event for the school showing great teamwork among members of staff and parents.


Special thanks goes to all the members of the School Council and the parent helpers for ensuring the smooth running of this event 🙂
