A healthy drink…

The Kindergarten students of Ms Marija Spiteri, prepared a very healthy drink by squeezing some oranges. These activities not only enhance the healthy eating and living policies, but lend themselves perfectly for students to learn colours, shapes, enhance their fine motor skills, and more.


The students enjoyed their refreshing drink 🙂

Marathon Walk

The school organised a Marathon Walk to raise funds for the purchase of literacy and numeracy resources for the students. The parents were very generous and a greatly appreciated donation was given to the school. 11 families donated more than €20. The highest amount collected was that of €32.60. A book will be given to all these families show our appreciation.


The students walked across the countryside of Mgarr, leaving from the school, walking to Bingemma and up to Lippijja. From there the students walked back to the school covering approximately 5.4km.

During the walk the students were given water break and lunch breaks. The students had leaflets prepared. The aim of these leaflets was for the students to appreciate all that can be found around them in this beautiful village of Mgarr.


Students also had the the opportunity to see a wind turbine, walk past a pig farm and a cemetry, see a number of green houses, olives trees and numerous fields. The fields were growing tomatoes, broad beans, marrows, onions, strawberries and artichokes.


Well done to all the students and members for staff for the effort put into this walk and heartfelt thanks to the parents helpers who made this a successful event.

Healthy Breakfast

The Kindergarten students of Ms Joanne Galea and Ms Janice Vella prepared a very healthy breakfast. The students had the opportunity to prepare toast using brown bread, lettuce leaves, cherry tomatoes, ham, cheese and carrots.


Moreover, the toast was presented in the shape of a butterfly. Such activities lend themselves perfectly to enhance the students’ fine motor skills, food handling skills, shapes, colours and awareness of leading a healthy lifestyle.

Vanishing Homes…

Caring for our environment is essential. We live in an ecosystem where every organism depends on one another. If an imbalance is created, this may lead to the extinction of a number of species and may lead to natural disasters.


Bird hunting, deforestation, burning down of forests, farming, the industrial revolution and other factors have a direct impact of the habitat of a number of animals. Trees are homes to birds, snakes, insects and many other creatures. When trees are cut down, the homes of these creatures vanish.

The year 4.1 students were made aware of these issues during another Dinja Waħda activity.

In a Flutter…

The Maltese environment is home to a number of different butterflies. Unfortunately, some of these butterflies have become very rare and seldom can they be found.


During preparations for another Dinja Waħda activity, the year 6.1 students had the opportunity to learn about the life cycle of butterflies, while familiarising themselves with the butterflies that can be found on the Maltese Islands.

Sunflowers for Hospice Malta Awareness Campaign

Caring for others is an essential part of our lives. Students, from a very tender age, need to learn the importance of caring for other. Hospice Malta is a voluntary organisation that helps elderly people and patients suffering from serious illnesses.


A session was held at our school to promote awareness about this voluntary organisation. The main aim was to pass an important message… Do not abandon your elderly or sick people. They are the ones who mostly need your companionship.


For more information you may visit the Hospice Malta website by clicking on the image.

The students were given small money boxes to collect money to help this voluntary organisation. The total amount collected was that of €128.33. Thank you for your kind donations.

To commemorate this event students sowed sunflower seeds in the school garden. The Ekoskola Committee, run by Ms Rodgers, will ensure that the seeds are being taken care of.

Family Fun Day

Family Fun Day tal-Qroqq Poster


National Pool Complex Tal-Qroqq

Sunday 3rd May 10:00hrs ~ 18:00hrs

In Aid of Dar tal-Providenza

Kunsill Malti ghall-Isport will be officially inaugurating the revamp of the South Block of the National Pool Complex.  KMS is linking this event with a Fundraising Family Fun Day at the Tal-Qroqq Sports Complex on Sunday 3rd May 2015.  The Event will be held between 10:00hrs to 18:00hrs.

The general public is invited to the Complex to see the new development made by KMS in the South Block which will incorporate 8 dressing rooms, fitness hall, doping control room, facilities for parent and child and people with disabilities.  KMS has also completed maintenance works on 4 squash courts, the plant room and other ancillary facilities in the Pool Complex.

The public will also be able to enjoy a day of sport and physical activities in a feel good atmosphere in Aid of Dar tal-Providenza.  During this event, the public can also apply for the Summer on the Move programme.  This year we will be extending our programme to more venues and more sports to make physical activity even more easily accessible to all.  We will also be offering extra hours in our 3 main centres with morning sessions starting at 8am and ending at 2pm.

Our main areas of activities during the Family Fun Day will be:

Main Pool: Swimming Marathon; Skolasport Swimming Competitions;             Waterpolo Match: Malta Masters vs Malta U/17’s

Dive Pool: Canoe Polo, Aquathlon Competitions,                                  Synchronized Swimming Shows and Open Class

Dance Hall: Open classes in Zumba, Hip Hop, Dance, HIIT Training, Dance Fitness and more

Training Hall: Snooker, Darts, Table-Football, Table-Tennis and Squash with demonstration games

Participation is free however donations to Dar tal-Providenza will be appreciated.  For more information please call KMS Head Office on 22036200 or our website www.sportmalta.org.mt or Facebook page sportmalta.

A Visit to the Old Capital


On Monday 30th March 2015, the eve of the Easter holidays, the two Year 5 classes paid a visit to Malta’s old capital city, Mdina. Apparently many other schools had the same idea as we encountered quite a few groups of students in Mdina and its surroundings, as well as a multitude of tourists.


Yet we did have enough time and space to explore this city and its fabulous treasures. We walked up and down many of the narrow and winding streets and spacious squares, stopping here and there to admire the various churches and palaces, amongst which the magnificent St. Paul’s Cathedral and the most interesting National Museum of Natural History hosted inside Vilhena Palace, which we inspected from top to bottom. We passed through the city’s three entry gates and observed the splendid view from atop the bastions. As we were during Holy Week we also visited a Good Friday Statues Exhibition at St. Agatha’s Chapel. Once again we had a very positive and enlightening school outing. 

Dr Simone Micallef, Yr 5.1

Jum l-Ilma


It-22 ta’ Marzu kien il-Jum Dinji ddedikat għall-Ilma.

It-tfal tal-ewwel sena ta’ Ms Marilyn Bugeja (Yr 1.2) tkellmu u ddiskutew metodi dwar kif nistgħu nibżgħu għall-ilma. It-tfal identifikaw diversi metodi, fosthom li jgħalqu l-vit meta ma jkollhomx bżonn l-ilma, jew jinħaslu f’eqsar ħin. Huma tgħallmu ukoll dwar l-użu tal-bjar fid-djar tagħna.

It-tfal għamlu preżentazzjoni qasira quddiem it-tfal tal-iskola billi qraw poeżija miktuba minn Sra. Rita Tabone (Skola Primarja Floriana) u wara kantaw kanzunetta qasira dwar li nibżgħu għall-ambjent ta’ madwarna.

