
The year 3.2 students were visited by Timothy the Teddy bear who taught them about prepositions. He showed them pictures and actually moved around in our classroom and used his box to help the students understand certain prepositions , such as in, on, under, above next to and so on, better.  The students took part in a variety of activities such as selecting a card with a preposition written on it and moving the Bee Bot on the picture showing that particular preposition.  They also made books about prepositions and made them part of our class library.  The students also played mini bowling to uncover a preposition and use it in a sentence of their own to show that they understand its meaning.

Submitted by Ms Sharon Calleja

Exploring shapes while at picnic!!!

This morning the children prepared a sandwich were we discussed all the shapes that we met along the way! This included a square slice of bread, a square cheese and ham, a sandwich which when cut in half gives 2 triangles, a cucumber’s profile which makes the shape of a circle, which in turn gives a semicircle when cut in half, etc.

Later on we enjoyed the sandwich, on a picnic, in the school playground!

Submitted by Ms Felicia Borg, K2.3

School Development Planning… Embracing Change

During this year’s school development plan, all members of staff debated the issue of teaching and learning in a set up where change is happening at such a fast rate.A SWOT analysis was done using a 21st century tool, mentimeter, where all members of staff submitted their feedback using their mobiles and results were displayed in real time for all to see.Workshops related to numeracy, literacy, new ways of teaching maths in a more conrete, practical and abstract way, together with reflection on the Learning Outcomes Framework followed.

Building a Fan using Lego WeDo

The Yr 4.1 students created their own LEGO fans which had to be programmed using Lego Wedo. This session was organised by the class teacher, Ms Angelique Attard with the support of the Digital Literacy Teacher.With the help of the Digital Literacy Support teacher Ms Laura Schembri, the children built a duck by using 6 pieces of Lego for their first activity.

In the second activity the children were divided into groups and together they had to build their own fan by using the Lego WeDo kit. After building the fan they then generated code causing the fan to work.

Doubling & Halving Scavenger Hunt

The Yr 4.1 class of Ms Angelique Attard had a maths lesson with a difference. The children were divided into groups and participated in a scavenger hunt held in the playground.

The children really enjoyed themselves using their tablets to scan the provided QR codes which had been distributed around the space and writing down the sums on a recording sheet. This activity helped the children to move around while learning. The winning team was also rewarded!

A learning experience for Yr 2.1

The Yr 2.1 students of  Ms Stephanie Azzopardi have embarked on an eTwinning Protject. In the above photos the students shared their experience with their partners from Greece by showing them how they learn shapes with the help of techonology using a Beebot. In this joint partnership both partners are using Beebot in teaching and learning.

Students learn counting in 2s and 3s using interlocking cubes, numbers, bee-bot and colourful pins to create a pattern using the Concrete, Practical, Abstract Approach.

Bark rubbing fieldwork held in Buskett  during the School Marathon Walk.

Capacity – measuring large bottles, a tin and a jug.During this session students used vocabulary to label: full, empty, nearly full, nearly empty, half full and half empty in a very practical and hands-on manner.Clocks – matching activity, use chalk to create your own clock! Students enjoyed this outdoor session in the school yard using hula hoops and chalk to create their own clocks.

During a visit at the Inquisitor’s Place in Birgu, the students enjoyed a Story telling andcooking session during which they prepared the typical pastini tar-raħal.

Students enjoying Sports Day organised by the PE teachers and the Sports Promotion Unit.

Submitted by Ms Stephanie Azzopardi, Yr 2.1

Bil-Qari u l-Kitba Niskorja…

Below are snapshots of a 10 week journey for students who had the opportunity to reading and writing through the game of football. The porgramme is coordinated by the National Literacy Agency in twinning with local Football nurseries, in this case, Mgarr United Football NurseryPractising reading skills with Walter Tull’s story and using some practical football techniques on the pitch! Now that was one great session with our learners from Mgarr.

Interesting characters do not only exist in stories and books. They exist in real life as well….these students from Mgarr are an example of this. Today’s session was all about personality…in a story as well as on the pitch! High five boys and girls!

The dull weather certainly didn’t dampen these kids’ spirits! Discovering newspapers and magazines, practising heading techniques…here’s what our Mgarr team did today in our sixth session together.

Our seventh session with the Mgarr team: reading the game off and on the pitch!

Discovering more stories and books with our Mgarr team!

Our journey together draws to an end…and what a ride it’s been with these young stars! Ten incredible weeks…reading, practising, writing and most importantly…HAVING FUN!