Submitted by Ms Marilyn Bugeja, Class Teacher
Monthly Archives: June 2019
A World of Flags
After receiving all the flags and information, students not only read and learned new information about the history and geography of each country, but they also discussed which flags are symmetrical.
An exhibition of the received flags and information was prepared by the students and class teacher so that other students from our school could also learn something new.This cross-curricular project was truly an educational experience which the students will never forget.
Submitted by Ms Miranda Cauchi
eTwinning – A World of Flags
The Year 3.2 class participated in an eTwinning project entitled A World of Flags.
Between January and February students from 16 different schools from around Europe made their National Flag and wrote some information about it. The flags and information were then sent to all partners. Students loved receiving the flags and reading the information.
Between April and May students from each school created a quiz (10-15 questions) about their country and uploaded it on the Twinspace. Partner schools had to research and find the answers.
Submitted by Ms Miranda Cauchi, Yr 3.2
Strawberry picking, farming and more…
Sunflower Park
Wrold Book Day Celebration
Mud Play
eTwinning Closure with San Lawrenz Gozo
The Year 6.2 students celebrated a year of eTwinning with their partners from San Lawrenz. The projects closure was done at Ġnejna Bay with a fantastic canoeing session and swimming. The students then returned to the school for a healthy lunch and ice-cream. It has been a very enriching learning experience for the year 6 students of both schools.
Special thanks to Ms Sharon D’Amico (teacher), Ms Doreen Abela (LSE), Ms Chanelle (Teacher) and Mr Saviour Tabone (Assistant Head).
At the Catacombs
Learning Maths Outdoors!!
The Year 2.2 students of Ms Stephanie Azzopardi have been learning Maths in a very hands-on and practical manner. However they are also doing this outside the classroom, while enjoying the outdoors.
On another they learned about subtraction using loose parts available in the school garden.
And another interesting lesson that was extended from the classroom to the outdoors was during English whereby children were learning about houses. After being exposed to vocabulary students enjoyed building their houses of tyres, logs and wood in the school garden.