Dinja Waħda Activity at Buskett Gardens

The K2.1 students have been learning about ants and the importance of these minibugs in the ecosystem. After reading a story to the students, Ms Luicienne Vella, prepared field work for students at Buskett Gardens. The weather was not helpful on the day since it was raining. No ants were visible, however the KGE asked her students to make mask of ants and the children pretended to be ants while waiting for transport to take them back to school.

Well done to Ms Lucienne Vella (KGE),Ms Dorianne Micallef (LSE) and Ms Sharon Scicluna (LSE) and their students 🙂

Happy Easter… End of Term Fun Activities

The Year 2.1 students of Ms Stephanie Azzopardi have been busy working during the 2nd term. Above students proudly present their Easter craft. 

Students can be seen having fun during various lessons… Learning plurals and words starting with letters having similar sounds in Maltese (‘p’ and ‘b’); Learning the correct use of the verb ‘has’ or ‘have’; Making 10 (using numicons, the bee-bot, dominoes and matching numbers on fish), together with making 6 using bears and matching numbers and investigating how many letters there are in each month of the year during a maths lesson.

The students prepared a model representing the migration of birds from cold countries to warmer countries. This is an activity related to Dinja Waħda, called ‘Out of Africa’. Students also prepared a special assembly about manners. Below is a short message sending Easter blessings to all.

Green Club at work…

Green Club members raking and watering  potato plants and broad beans previously sown by Kindergarten children.  Meantime some other kids were reaping the harvest from our bountiful fruit trees.  This came as a surprising reward to our hard-working Green Clubbers!

Submitted by Ms Rodgers, Assistant Head

Dinja Waħda… Creating Environmental Awareness…

Today we mixed some compost with our garden soil to sow flowering plant seeds namely, Stephanotis, Mirabilis (Hummej) and Farfugium Japonicum (Galletti) among others. The kids had great fun digging, watering and getting their hands dirty.  Following  these sessions, one can only hope that a little green seed has been sown in each child’s heart which may one day flourish into a passion for the Earth, gardening and a global environmental awareness.

Submitted by Ms Therese Rodgers, Assistant Head