K1.1 – Storytelling Activity

We had a lesson in our outside classroom and it was so much fun. The story telling activity, the Selfish Crocodile was narrated by Ms Nag and the children were given pictures to colour. Teaching and learning is so much fun when the environment is so beautiful.

Plants & More…..

K1.1 – Ms Nagaat Bugeja – Plants & More…..we planted flower bulbs and our young ones colored small pebbles to trace the top of spring related flashcards…it was a learning experience of a flower growing process together with spring related elements.

K1.1 – Manipulative play

K1.1 – Ms Nagaat Bugeja – Manipulative play – these activities allow our students to control their world by mastering the objects they use. Sometimes it’s solitary and sometimes they play in pairs but with the resources the administration provides us, it’s always cooperative. These young students are using these resources to enhance their communicative skills and creativity.