A World of Flags

After receiving all the flags and information, students not only read and learned new information about the history and geography of each country, but they also discussed which flags are symmetrical.

An exhibition of the received flags and information was prepared by the students and class teacher so that other students from our school could also learn something new.This cross-curricular project was truly an educational experience which the students will never forget.

Submitted by Ms Miranda Cauchi

eTwinning – A World of Flags

The Year 3.2 class participated in an eTwinning project entitled  A World of Flags.

Between January and February students from 16 different schools from around Europe made their National Flag and wrote some information about it.  The flags and information were then sent to all partners.  Students loved receiving the flags and reading the information.

Between April and May  students from each school created a quiz (10-15 questions) about their country and uploaded it on the Twinspace.  Partner schools had to research and find the answers.

Submitted by Ms Miranda Cauchi, Yr 3.2

Nature Reserve

As part of the Social Studies and Dinja Waħda activities, the year 3.1 students visited the Għadira Nature Reserve.  There they learned many interesting facts about food chains, plants, birds and other creatures.  The students also went for a walk around the reserve and they could see the trees, plants and some of the creatures they learned about during the previous activities.  They also went bird watching and spotted a chameleon and its baby 🙂

Submitted by Ms Sharon Calleja, Yr 3.1


The Year 3.2 students enjoyed learning about fractions as they participated in various hands-on activities.

Students were given some cookie cutters and play dough and they had to find a way to half them.

Afterwards, they were given paper shapes and they had to fold each shape into two equal parts and name one half of the shape as well.

At this stage, some of the students realized how they could quarter a shape/object.  During another lesson they were also given a rough paper and had to find a way to divide it into four equal pieces, name and colour one quarter.

They also took part in activities on the interactive whiteboard.  Finally, students created their own pizza.  They used different toppings for each part.  E.g. 1/2  mushrooms, 1/4 green peppers and 1/4 eggs.

Cuisenaire rods were given to the children and they had to build their own fraction wall.   In so doing, they recognised that two quarters are equivalent to one half.  This also served as a revision for the topics doubling and halving.

Submitted by Ms Miranda Cauchi, Yr 3.2 Teacher

Money, money, money…

Students were engaged in various hands-on activities using real coins from their Math Toolbox.

In so doing, they were able to recognise the value of coins, use the fewest coins in real life situations, add totals up to 1 euro and give the correct change.

Furthermore, students were able to plan an activity within a given budget.

Submitted by Ms Miranda Cauchi, Yr 3.2 Teacher