Adult & Child LIVE Online Sports Quiz

Participants will follow short clips in English related to traditional sports from around the world. This will be followed by a multiple-choice quiz that will be done individually per Adult and Child. Several rounds will be organized until the winners are declared.
Any student in Year 4, 5 and 6 with an adult.WILL PRIZES BE AWARDED?
Yes, fantastic prizes will be awarded to the top three participants.
You may register through link below by not later than Friday 7th May at noon.

Link will be sent after registration deadline is over.

New Maths WebQuests Year 4, Year 5 and Year 6

The MSTeam desgined new WebQuests recommended for Year 4, Year 5 and Year 6.

  • Maths and Mammals and More (recommended for students working at Year 4 level)
  • Animals in Extinction (recommended for students working at Year 5 level)
  • Pumpkins (recommended for students working at Year 6 level)

You can access the WebQuests through this link:

Year 5 & Year 6 students

Students will be invited to follow the MEDE Online Sportsfest Facebook page daily to check out on the day’s set challenge. This will be posted at 8 am. Students will have until 6 pm to send the video clip of them performing the prescribed challenge. The latter will cover a wide range of personal physical skills.

Gold, silver and bronze medals will be awarded to the top three boys and top three girls in every category as well as points allocated to the school they represent. For this reason, only video clips featuring students wearing their school’s PE shirt will be accepted.

At the end of the five-day challenge, the winning school per category will be announced.

Year 5.1 – Coding with Scratch Jr

Year 5.1 – Students worked in groups to discuss story and plan. On the provided storyboard they drew the main events of their story. Then, they used Scratch Jr on their tablets to build and code their own scenarios. This helped them visualise their story, making it easier for them to write it. Finally, they presented their animated story and their composed write up to the whole class.