Young Entrepreneurs

“Entrepreneurship is an engine of job creation, innovation and economic growth.”


Our school is currently participating in a college based project, which is partly funded by the EU, to enhance our students’ entrepreneurship skills. The students had a session about “Our Community”. More sessions are to follow in the coming weeks



Students and teachers were awarded certificates for participating in this venture 🙂



As part of the entrepreneurship project 2014 the year 5.2 students of Ms Calleja were divided in groups or pairs. They were asked to come up with a project on a topic of their choice.

During the 3 sessions carried out in the school hall by Mr Max Bartolo, the children discussed and planned their work. When they reached the final stages, they presented their ideas to their friends.


These photos show a sample of the student’s work. Melchior Mifsud and Faith Schembri showed the desire to present their work to the class since they could not use a laptop in the school hall to present their work there. They talked to the class about their pet dog.

Young Entrepreneurs

EntreHeads of School and Principals from India visited St Nicholas College Mgarr Primary to observe an entrepreneurship lesson with Year 5 pupils.  The pupils were involved in a college based project “Our Community” where they had to produce written articles later to be published in the College magazine.  In these sessions the pupils learnt about design, pre-press and marketing techniques whilst deciding on the sale prize. The magazine will be sold during Book Fairs organised by the various schools in the college and the pupils will be in charge of the stall.  Today’s lesson was the last of this and was observed by the delegation.

Entre1The delegation was welcomed to the school by the Principal Mr Anthony Sammut and the Head of School.  They assisted for the introduction of the lesson and afterwards involved themselves in the discussions taken up by the pupils.  This was a unique experience for the pupils as well. The pupils were confident and explained the process to the guests.

Fostering Entrepreneurship Through Education

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“Entrepreneurship is an engine of job creation, innovation and economic growth.”

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Our school has participated on a college based project, which is partly funded by the EU, to enhance our students’ entrepreneurship skills.

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These sessions helped to enhance personal qualities and values, interpersonal skills, cognitive skills and practical skills, which students will need later on in life when preparing to find a job or career.

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The year 4 students had 4 sessions during which they discussed various aspects of entrepreneurship skills. To sum up their learnings, the students are working on a project linked to entreprenuership skills.

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