During a Science lesson the yr 5.2 students of Ms Ssaron Calleja talked about the scientific process and how experiments should be conducted. The students carried out an experiment with a glass of water, some salt and an egg. First the children were asked to predict what would happen to the egg if was to be placed in a glass of water. After hearing their hypothesis, the teacher placed the egg in the water and it sank. The class discussed why the egg sank. Then the children were asked to predict what would happen to the egg if salt is added to the water. After hearing the children’s predictions, salt was added in the water and the egg was placed in the mixture. To the children’s surprise, the egg floated. The class discussed why this could have happened and reached the conclusion that when salt is added, this increases the water’s density. Thus the egg floated as it was lighter than the water.
After this activity some children in class created their own experiments and shared them with their friends. Here are some photos of Faith Schembri explaining why a balloon bursts when placed on 1 pin and pressed, but does not burst when placed on several pins and pressed. Then there was Giuseppe Azzopardi who showed the different objects and materials that sink or float in water.