The Emergent Curriculum and Outdoor Spaces

Sharing of good practice of how the school outdoor space is being used to implement the emergent curriculum. Well done to Birdlife Malta and MEDE for organising a fruitful multiplier event and well done to all the staff at St Nicholas College, Mgarr Primary for embarking on this project.

Special thanks to Ms Nagaat Bugeja and Ms Joanne Galea for their contribution to today’s multiplier event.

Team Building Event!!!

All members of staff enjoyed a very well organised team building event, thanks to Mr Mario Camilleri, events organiser from the office of the permanent secretary.

From building bridges, to working in pairs and sharing information about likes, dislikes, fears and wishes, this team building event will surely be cherished by all.

The Head of College Network, Ms Josephine Mifsud, joined the fun too.

There were some very hilarious moments when interesting drawings were shared following an exercise which required good communication skills and a stretch of imagination.

A group photo was taken at the end of the session to add more to the school memoires. Thank you to all the staff at St Nicholas College for your dedication and hard work!

Capacity investigations

First- an explanation was done to help students remember how to convert l to ml and vice versa. An investigation was then carried out by myself using measuring containers and students were asked to observe the different questioning techniques.

Then, using measuring containers in groups, the students were given the opportunity to create their own investigation using liquids while emphasizing the concept of liters and milliliters. After creating their problems and using the necessary amounts of water in the containers, they went around and solved the investigations that the other groups had laid out for them in stations.

Submitted by Mr Matthew Cassar, Yr 6.1


Din il-ġimgħa, it-tfal tal-ewwel sena kienu qegħdin jitkellmu dwar is-sillabi u kif ser jinqasmu biex jgħinuhom fil-qari. Huma għarfu li f’kull sillaba jkun hemm vokali waħda u l-ittri doppji qatt ma jistgħu ikunu fl-istess sillaba. Dan sar kollu b’eżerċizzju ħafif meta bl-imqass qasmu numru ta’ leħħiet li kienu għamlu huma stess.

Xogħol ta’ Ms Marilyn Buġeja, Għalliema tal-ewwel sena

Visit at the Grocer

K1.3 pupils of Ms Nagaat Bugeja were taken to the greengrocer shop next to the school to practice numeracy skills.  They followed a simple and short shopping list to make a purchase whilst practising number recognition and value.

Pupils enjoyed making fruit kebabs with the purchased fruit.

Submitted by Ms Borg Vella, Assistant Head

Maths Trail at School

Today Year 1 children participated in a school Maths trail.

They went round the school to count steps, find shapes, count fire extinguishers, observe height of trees and objects, and order numbers amongst other activities.

Whilst learning numeracy, the students enjoyed the outdoors.

This activity provided for a meaningful hands-on experience.

Submitted by Ms Marilyn Bugeja, Yr 1.1 Class Teacher